Search Results - Gauteng water shortage Want To Leave Gauteng? You Can If You Want To HuntWhile leisure travel into and out of Gauteng... Hunting Hundreds Of Unclaimed Bodies At Gauteng Public MortuariesThe Gauteng Department of Health has announc... Bodies Kylie Jenner Gets Roasted Over Poor Water Pressure In Fancy Shower And MoreWe all know how some celebrities flaunt thei... Kylie Footage: The Theewaterskloof Dam Is Only 16.8% FullAs the City of Cape Town tries to manage the... Cape Comair Suspends All Kulula and BA FlightsComair has announced that it has temporarily... Gauteng Global Chip Shortage Possible Due To LockdownTwo of the world’s largest microchip manuf... Lockdown Addo Elephant Park Gets Solar PowerAn ongoing and severe drought has been threa... Park Taxi Violence: 11 Killed In Taxi Ambush In KznOn Saturday night, 11 people died when a min... Taxi McDonald’s In US Hire Teen Workers Due To Labour ShortageA McDonald’s store in Oregon in the United... Labour UK Petrol Shortage CrisisPetrol in the United Kingdom has reached rec... Petrol Worldwide Supply Shortages Affect Wine And Paint IndustriesSupply-chain issues have been a headache for... Wine Roadblocks Increase Around GautengGauteng motorists can expect a massive influ... Roadblocks Boys And Coach Of Thai Football Team Found Trapped In Cave After 9 DaysThere was a collective sigh of relief and sc... Cave Gauteng Premier Tests Positive For COVID-19The Gauteng Premier, David Makhura, has test... Positive Durban Woman Receives Municipality Bill of R1.1 MillionA woman living in the South African town of&... Municipality Wits Students Growing High-Tech Cannabis With Government ApprovalIt has almost been three years since South A... Cultivation Air Niugini plane lands in Micronesia lagoonA passenger plane missed a runway and landed... Plane Three Friends Almost Die As Elevator FloodsIt certainly wasn’t the Friday night they ... Elevator Covid Infections Highest Since JanuarySouth Africa has been hit hard by the third ... Wave Ispace Inc. Raises $90million To Land On The MoonJapanese companies are planning to kick-star... Inc Tony Hawk Skateboards Made With His Blood Sells OutFor $500 you can buy a lot of things. Especi... Tony William Nicol Drive To Be Renamed After The Controversial Figure Winnie MandelaOne of the busiest roads in Gauteng, William... Winnie Durban Shack Fire Leaves 2,000 Homeless And Toddler DeadOn Sunday firefighters in Durban, South Afri... Fire Video: Reiger Park High School Faced With Threats After Principal Sexually Assaults StudentsYet another case of sexual assault and misco... Sexual < 1234 >